Procedural Macros
Cairo provides macros as a fundamental feature that lets you write code that generates other code (known as metaprogramming). When you use macros, you can extend Cairo's capabilities beyond what regular functions offer. Throughout this book, we've used macros like println!
and assert!
, but haven't fully explored how we can create our own macros.
Before diving into procedural macros specifically, let's understand why we need macros when we already have functions:
The Difference Between Macros and Functions
Fundamentally, macros are a way of writing code that writes other code, which
is known as metaprogramming. In Appendix C, we discuss derivable traits and the derive
attribute, which generates an implementation of various traits for you. We’ve
also used the println!
and array!
macros throughout the book. All of these
macros expand to produce more code than the code you’ve written manually.
Metaprogramming is useful for reducing the amount of code you have to write and maintain, which is also one of the roles of functions. However, macros have some additional powers that functions don’t.
A function signature must declare the number and type of parameters the
function has. Macros, on the other hand, can take a variable number of
parameters: we can call println!("hello")
with one argument or
println!("hello {}", name)
with two arguments. Also, macros are expanded
before the compiler interprets the meaning of the code, so a macro can, for
example, implement a trait on a given type. A function can’t, because it gets
called at runtime and a trait needs to be implemented at compile time.
Another important difference between macros and functions is that the design of Cairo macros is complex: they're written in Rust, but operate on Cairo code. Due to this indirection and the combination of the two languages, macro definitions are generally more difficult to read, understand, and maintain than function definitions.
We call procedural macros macros that allow you to run code at compile time that operates over Cairo syntax, both consuming and producing Cairo syntax. You can sort of think of procedural macros as functions from an AST to another AST. The three kinds of procedural macros are custom derive, attribute-like, and function-like, and all work in a similar fashion.
In this chapter, we'll explore what procedural macros are, how they're defined, and examine each of the three types in detail.
Cairo Procedural Macros are Rust Functions
Just as the Cairo compiler is written in Rust, procedural macros are Rust functions that transform Cairo code. These functions take Cairo code as input and return modified Cairo code as output. To implement macros, you'll need a package with both a Cargo.toml
and a Scarb.toml
file. The Cargo.toml
defines the macro implementation dependencies, while the Scarb.toml
marks the package as a macro and defines its metadata.
The function that defines a procedural macro operates on two key types:
: A sequence of Cairo tokens representing your source code. Tokens are the smallest units of code that the compiler recognizes (like identifiers, keywords, and operators).ProcMacroResult
: An enhanced version of TokenStream that includes both the generated code and any diagnostic messages (warnings or errors) that should be shown to the user during compilation.
The function implementing the macro must be decorated with one of three special attributes that tell the compiler how the macro should be used:
: For macros that look like function calls (e.g.,println!()
: For macros that act as attributes (e.g.,#[generate_trait]
: For macros that implement traits automatically
Each attribute type corresponds to a different use case and affects how the macro can be invoked in your code.
Here are the signatures for each types :
pub fn inline(code: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {}
pub fn attribute(attr: TokenStream, code: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {}
pub fn derive(code: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {}
Install dependencies
To use procedural macros, you need to have Rust toolchain (Cargo) installed on your machine. To install Rust using Rustup, you can run the following command in you terminal :
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Create your macro
Creating a procedural macro requires setting up a specific project structure. Your macro project needs:
A Rust Project (where you implement the macro):
: Defines Rust dependencies and build settingssrc/
: Contains the macro implementation
A Cairo Project:
: Declares the macro for Cairo projects- No Cairo source files needed
Let's walk through each component and understand its role:
├── Cargo.toml
├── Scarb.toml
├── src
│ └──
The project contains a Scarb.toml
and a Cargo.toml
file in the root directory.
The Cargo manifest file needs to contain a crate-type = ["cdylib"]
on the [lib]
target, and the cairo-lang-macro
crate on the [dependencies]
target. Here is an example :
name = "pow"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
bigdecimal = "0.4.5"
cairo-lang-macro = "0.1.1"
cairo-lang-parser = "2.9.2"
cairo-lang-syntax = "2.9.2"
The Scarb manifest file must define a [cairo-plugin]
target type. Here is an example :
name = "pow"
version = "0.1.0"
Finally the project needs to contain a Rust library (
), inside the src/
directory that implements the procedural macro API.
As you might have notice the project doesn't need any cairo code, it only requires the Scarb.toml
manifest file mentioned.
Using your macro
From the user's perspective, you only need to add the package defining the macro in your dependencies. In the project using the macro you will have a Scarb manifest file with :
name = "no_listing_15_procedural_macro"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2024_07"
# See more keys and their definitions at
pow = { path = "../no_listing_16_procedural_macro_expression" }
hello_macro = { path = "../no_listing_17_procedural_macro_derive" }
rename_macro = { path = "../no_listing_18_procedural_macro_attribute" }
cairo_test = "2.9.2"
Expression Macros
Expression macros provide functionality similar to function calls but with enhanced capabilities. Unlike regular functions, they can:
- Accept a variable number of arguments
- Handle arguments of different types
- Generate code at compile time
- Perform more complex code transformations
This flexibility makes them powerful tools for generic programming and code generation. Let's examine a practical example: implementing a compile-time power function.
Creating an expression Macros
To understand how to create an expression macro, we will look at a pow
macro implementation from the Alexandria library that computes the power of a number at compile time.
The core code of the macro implementation is a Rust code that uses three Rust crates : cairo_lang_macro
specific to macros implementation, cairo_lang_parser
crate with function related to the compiler parser and cairo_lang_syntax
related to the compiler syntax. The two latters were initially created for the Cairo lang compiler, as macro functions operate at the Cairo syntax level, we can reuse the logic directly from the syntax functions created for the compiler to create macros.
Note: To understand better the Cairo compiler and some of the concepts we only mention here such as the Cairo parser or the Cairo syntax, you can read the Cairo compiler workshop.
In the pow
function example below the input is processed to extract the value of the base argument and the exponent argument to return the result of \(base^{exponent}\).
use bigdecimal::{num_traits::pow, BigDecimal};
use cairo_lang_macro::{inline_macro, Diagnostic, ProcMacroResult, TokenStream};
use cairo_lang_parser::utils::SimpleParserDatabase;
pub fn pow(token_stream: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {
let db = SimpleParserDatabase::default();
let (parsed, _diag) = db.parse_virtual_with_diagnostics(token_stream);
// extracting the args from the parsed input
let macro_args: Vec<String> = parsed
.trim_matches(|c| c == '(' || c == ')')
.map(|s| s.trim().to_string())
if macro_args.len() != 2 {
return ProcMacroResult::new(TokenStream::empty()).with_diagnostics(
Diagnostic::error(format!("Expected two arguments, got {:?}", macro_args)).into(),
// getting the value from the base arg
let base: BigDecimal = match macro_args[0].parse() {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(_) => {
return ProcMacroResult::new(TokenStream::empty())
.with_diagnostics(Diagnostic::error("Invalid base value").into());
// getting the value from the exponent arg
let exp: usize = match macro_args[1].parse() {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(_) => {
return ProcMacroResult::new(TokenStream::empty())
.with_diagnostics(Diagnostic::error("Invalid exponent value").into());
// base^exp
let result: BigDecimal = pow(base, exp);
Now that the macro is defined, we can use it. In a Cairo project we need to have pow = { path = "path/to/pow" }
in the [dependencies]
target of the Scarb.toml
manifest file. And then we can use it without further import like this :
fn main() {
let a = SomeType {};
let res = pow!(10, 2);
println!("res : {}", res);
let _a = RenamedType {};
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
struct OldType {}
#[derive(Drop, Destruct)]
trait Hello<T> {
fn hello(self: @T);
Derive Macros
Derive macros let you define custom trait implementations that can be automatically applied to types. When you annotate a type with #[derive(TraitName)]
, your derive macro:
- Receives the type's structure as input
- Contains your custom logic for generating the trait implementation
- Outputs the implementation code that will be included in the crate
Writing derive macros eliminates repetitive trait implementation code by using a generic logic on how to generate the trait implementation.
Creating a derive macro
In this example, we will implement a derive macro that will implement the Hello
Trait. The Hello
trait will have a hello()
function that will print : Hello, StructName!
, where StructName is the name of the struct.
Here is the definition of the Hello
trait :
fn main() {
let a = SomeType {};
let res = pow!(10, 2);
println!("res : {}", res);
let _a = RenamedType {};
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
struct OldType {}
#[derive(Drop, Destruct)]
trait Hello<T> {
fn hello(self: @T);
Let's check the marcro implementation, first the hello_derive
function parses the input token stream and then extracts the struct_name
to implement the trait for that specific struct.
Then hello derived returns a hard-coded piece of code containing the implementation of Hello
trait for the type StructName.
use cairo_lang_macro::{derive_macro, ProcMacroResult, TokenStream};
use cairo_lang_parser::utils::SimpleParserDatabase;
use cairo_lang_syntax::node::kind::SyntaxKind::{TerminalStruct, TokenIdentifier};
pub fn hello_macro(token_stream: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {
let db = SimpleParserDatabase::default();
let (parsed, _diag) = db.parse_virtual_with_diagnostics(token_stream);
let mut nodes = parsed.descendants(&db);
let mut struct_name = String::new();
for node in nodes.by_ref() {
if node.kind(&db) == TerminalStruct {
struct_name = nodes
.find(|node| node.kind(&db) == TokenIdentifier)
ProcMacroResult::new(TokenStream::new(indoc::formatdoc! {r#"
impl SomeHelloImpl of Hello<{0}> {{
fn hello(self: @{0}) {{
println!("Hello {0}!");
"#, struct_name}))
Now that the macro is defined, we can use it. In a Cairo project we need to have hello_macro = { path = "path/to/hello_macro" }
in the [dependencies]
target of the Scarb.toml
manifest file. And we can then use it without further import on any struct :
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
And now we can call the implemented function hello
on an variable of the type SomeType.
fn main() {
let a = SomeType {};
let res = pow!(10, 2);
println!("res : {}", res);
let _a = RenamedType {};
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
struct OldType {}
#[derive(Drop, Destruct)]
trait Hello<T> {
fn hello(self: @T);
Note that the Hello
trait that is implemented in the macro has to be defined somewhere in the code or imported.
Attribute Macros
Attribute-like macros are similar to custom derive macros, but allowing more possibilities, they are not restricted to struct and enum and can be applied to other items as well, such as functions. They can be used for more diverse code generation than implementing trait. It could be used to modify the name of a struct, add fields in the structure, execute some code before a function, change the signature of a function and many other possibilities.
The extra possibilities also come from the fact that they are defined with a second argument TokenStream
, indeed the signature looks like this :
pub fn attribute(attr: TokenStream, code: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {}
With the first attribute (attr
) for the attribute arguments (#[macro(arguments)]) and second for the actual code on which the attribute is applied to, the second attribute is the only one the two other macros have.
Creating an attribute macro
Now let's look at an example of a custom made attribute macro, in this example we will create a macro that will rename the struct.
use cairo_lang_macro::attribute_macro;
use cairo_lang_macro::{ProcMacroResult, TokenStream};
pub fn rename(_attr: TokenStream, token_stream: TokenStream) -> ProcMacroResult {
.replace("struct OldType", "#[derive(Drop)]\n struct RenamedType"),
Again, to use the macro in a Cairo project we need to have rename_macro = { path = "path/to/rename_macro" }
in the [dependencies]
target of the Scarb.toml
manifest file. And we can then use it without further import on any struct.
The rename macro can be derived as follow :
fn main() {
let a = SomeType {};
let res = pow!(10, 2);
println!("res : {}", res);
let _a = RenamedType {};
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
struct OldType {}
#[derive(Drop, Destruct)]
trait Hello<T> {
fn hello(self: @T);
Now the compiler knows the RenamedType struct, therefore we can create an instance as such :
fn main() {
let a = SomeType {};
let res = pow!(10, 2);
println!("res : {}", res);
let _a = RenamedType {};
#[derive(HelloMacro, Drop, Destruct)]
struct SomeType {}
struct OldType {}
#[derive(Drop, Destruct)]
trait Hello<T> {
fn hello(self: @T);
You can notice that the names OldType and RenamedType were hardcoded in the example but could be variables leveraging the second arg of rattribute macro. Also note that due to the order of compilation, the derive of other macro such as Drop here as to be done in the code generated by the macro. Some deeper understanding of Cairo compilation can be required for custom macro creation.