Recoverable Errors with Result


The Result Enum

Recall from Generic data types section in Chapter 8 that the Result enum is defined as having two variants, Ok and Err, as follows:

enum Result<T, E> {
    Ok: T,
    Err: E,

Result<T, E>枚举有两个泛型类型,TE,以及两个成员:Ok,存放T类型的值,Err,存放E类型的值。这个定义使得我们可以在任何地方使用Result枚举,该操作可能成功(返回T类型的值)或失败(返回E类型的值)。

The ResultTrait

ResultTraittrait提供了处理Result<T, E>枚举的方法,例如解包值,检查ResultOk还是Err,以及用自定义的消息进行panic。ResultTraitImpl实现定义了这些方法的逻辑。

trait ResultTrait<T, E> {
    fn expect<+Drop<E>>(self: Result<T, E>, err: felt252) -> T;

    fn unwrap<+Drop<E>>(self: Result<T, E>) -> T;

    fn expect_err<+Drop<T>>(self: Result<T, E>, err: felt252) -> E;

    fn unwrap_err<+Drop<T>>(self: Result<T, E>) -> E;

    fn is_ok(self: @Result<T, E>) -> bool;

    fn is_err(self: @Result<T, E>) -> bool;

expectunwrap方法类似,它们都试图从Result<T, E>中提取T类型的值,当它处于Ok变体时。如果ResultOk(x),两个方法都返回值 "x"。然而,这两个方法的关键区别在于当ResultErr变量时的行为。expect方法允许你提供一个自定义的错误信息(作为felt252值)在panic时使用,从而让你获取更多对panic相关的控制和上下文。另一方面,unwrap方法用一个默认的错误信息进行panic,提供的关于panic原因的信息较少。

The expect_err and unwrap_err methods have the exact opposite behavior. If the Result is Err(x), both methods return the value x. However, the key difference between the two methods is in case of Result::Ok(). The expect_err method allows you to provide a custom error message (as a felt252 value) that will be used when panicking, giving you more control and context over the panic. On the other hand, the unwrap_err method panics with a default error message, providing less information about the cause of the panic.

A careful reader may have noticed the <+Drop<T>> and <+Drop<E>> in the first four methods signatures. This syntax represents generic type constraints in the Cairo language, as seen in the previous chapter. These constraints indicate that the associated functions require an implementation of the Drop trait for the generic types T and E, respectively.


  • is_ok获取一个Result<T, E>值的快照,如果ResultOk成员,则返回true,意味着操作成功。如果ResultErr成员,则返回false
  • is_err takes a snapshot of a Result<T, E> value and returns true if the Result is the Err variant, meaning the operation encountered an error. If the Result is the Ok variant, it returns false.

These methods are helpful when you want to check the success or failure of an operation without consuming the Result value, allowing you to perform additional operations or make decisions based on the variant without unwrapping it.

你可以在这里找到 ResultTrait 的实现。

It is always easier to understand with examples. Have a look at this function signature:

fn u128_overflowing_add(a: u128, b: u128) -> Result<u128, u128>;

It takes two u128 integers, a and b, and returns a Result<u128, u128> where the Ok variant holds the sum if the addition does not overflow, and the Err variant holds the overflowed value if the addition does overflow.


fn u128_checked_add(a: u128, b: u128) -> Option<u128> {
    match u128_overflowing_add(a, b) {
        Result::Ok(r) => Option::Some(r),
        Result::Err(r) => Option::None,

Here, it accepts two u128 integers, a and b, and returns an Option<u128>. It uses the Result returned by u128_overflowing_add to determine the success or failure of the addition operation. The match expression checks the Result from u128_overflowing_add. If the result is Ok(r), it returns Option::Some(r) containing the sum. If the result is Err(r), it returns Option::None to indicate that the operation has failed due to overflow. The function does not panic in case of an overflow.

Let's take another example:

fn parse_u8(s: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    match s.try_into() {
        Option::Some(value) => Result::Ok(value),
        Option::None => Result::Err('Invalid integer'),

In this example, the parse_u8 function takes a felt252 and tries to convert it into a u8 integer using the try_into method. If successful, it returns Result::Ok(value), otherwise it returns Result::Err('Invalid integer').


fn parse_u8(s: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    match s.try_into() {
        Option::Some(value) => Result::Ok(value),
        Option::None => Result::Err('Invalid integer'),

mod tests {
    use super::parse_u8;

    fn test_felt252_to_u8() {
        let number: felt252 = 5;
        // should not panic
        let res = parse_u8(number).unwrap();

    fn test_felt252_to_u8_panic() {
        let number: felt252 = 256;
        // should panic
        let res = parse_u8(number).unwrap();

Don't worry about the #[cfg(test)] attribute for now. We'll explain in more detail its meaning in the next Testing Cairo Programs chapter.

#[test] attribute means the function is a test function, and #[should_panic] attribute means this test will pass if the test execution panics.

The first one tests a valid conversion from felt252 to u8, expecting the unwrap method not to panic. The second test function attempts to convert a value that is out of the u8 range, expecting the unwrap method to panic with the error message Invalid integer.

The ? Operator

我们要谈的最后一个操作符是?操作符。?运算符用于更成文和简明的错误处理。当你在 ResultOption类型上使用?运算符时,它将做以下事情:

  • If the value is Result::Ok(x) or Option::Some(x), it will return the inner value x directly.
  • If the value is Result::Err(e) or Option::None, it will propagate the error or None by immediately returning from the function.



fn do_something_with_parse_u8(input: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    let input_to_u8: u8 = parse_u8(input)?;
    let res = input_to_u8 - 1;

We can see that do_something_with_parse_u8 function takes a felt252 value as input and calls parse_u8 function. The ? operator is used to propagate the error, if any, or unwrap the successful value.


fn parse_u8(s: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    match s.try_into() {
        Option::Some(value) => Result::Ok(value),
        Option::None => Result::Err('Invalid integer'),

fn do_something_with_parse_u8(input: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    let input_to_u8: u8 = parse_u8(input)?;
    let res = input_to_u8 - 1;

mod tests {
    use super::do_something_with_parse_u8;
    fn test_function_2() {
        let number: felt252 = 258;
        match do_something_with_parse_u8(number) {
            Result::Ok(value) => println!("Result: {}", value),
            Result::Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

The console will print the error Invalid Integer.


We saw that recoverable errors can be handled in Cairo using the Result enum, which has two variants: Ok and Err. The Result<T, E> enum is generic, with types T and E representing the successful and error values, respectively. The ResultTrait provides methods for working with Result<T, E>, such as unwrapping values, checking if the result is Ok or Err, and panicking with custom messages.
