
Methods are similar to functions: we declare them with the fn keyword and a name, they can have parameters and a return value, and they contain some code that’s run when the method is called from somewhere else. Unlike functions, methods are defined within the context of a struct (or an enum which we cover in Chapter 6), and their first parameter is always self, which represents the instance of the type the method is being called on.

Defining Methods

Let’s change the area function that has a Rectangle instance as a parameter and instead make an area method defined on the Rectangle struct, as shown in Listing 5-11

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
struct Rectangle {
    width: u64,
    height: u64,

trait RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64;

impl RectangleImpl of RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        (*self.width) * (*self.height)

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50, };
    println!("Area is {}", rect1.area());

Listing 5-11: Defining an area method on the Rectangle struct.

To define the function within the context of Rectangle, we start an impl (implementation) block for a trait RectangleTrait that defines the methods that can be called on a Rectangle instance. As impl blocks can only be defined for traits and not types, we need to define this trait first - but it's not meant to be used for anything else.

Everything within this impl block will be associated with the Rectangle type. Then we move the area function within the impl curly brackets and change the first (and in this case, only) parameter to be self in the signature and everywhere within the body. In main, where we called the area function and passed rect1 as an argument, we can instead use method syntax to call the area method on our Rectangle instance. The method syntax goes after an instance: we add a dot followed by the method name, parentheses, and any arguments.

In the signature for area, we use self: @Rectangle instead of rectangle: @Rectangle. Methods must have a parameter named self, for their first parameter, and the type of self indicates the type that method can be called on. Methods can take ownership of self, but self can also be passed by snapshot or by reference, just like any other parameter.

There is no direct link between a type and a trait. Only the type of the self parameter of a method defines the type from which this method can be called. That means, it is technically possible to define methods on multiple types in a same trait (mixing Rectangle and Circle methods, for example). But this is not a recommended practice as it can lead to confusion.

The main reason for using methods instead of functions, in addition to providing method syntax, is for organization. We’ve put all the things we can do with an instance of a type in one impl block rather than making future users of our code search for capabilities of Rectangle in various places in the library we provide.

The generate_trait Attribute

If you are familiar with Rust, you may find Cairo's approach confusing because methods cannot be defined directly on types. Instead, you must define a trait and an implementation of this trait associated with the type for which the method is intended. However, defining a trait and then implementing it to define methods on a specific type is verbose, and unnecessary: the trait itself will not be reused.

So, to avoid defining useless traits, Cairo provides the #[generate_trait] attribute to add above a trait implementation, which tells to the compiler to generate the corresponding trait definition for you, and let's you focus on the implementation only. Both approaches are equivalent, but it's considered a best practice to not explicitly define traits in this case.

The previous example can also be written as follows:

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
struct Rectangle {
    width: u64,
    height: u64,

impl RectangleImpl of RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        (*self.width) * (*self.height)

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50, };
    println!("Area is {}", rect1.area());

Let's use this #[generate_trait] in the following chapters to make our code cleaner.

Snapshots and References

As the area method does not modify the calling instance, self is declared as a snapshot of a Rectangle instance with the @ snapshot operator. But, of course, we can also define some methods receiving a mutable reference of this instance, to be able to modify it.

Let's write a new method scale which resizes a rectangle of a factor given as parameter:

impl RectangleImpl of RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        (*self.width) * (*self.height)
    fn scale(ref self: Rectangle, factor: u64) {
        self.width *= factor;
        self.height *= factor;

fn main() {
    let mut rect2 = Rectangle { width: 10, height: 20 };
    println!("The new size is (width: {}, height: {})", rect2.width, rect2.height);

It is also possible to define a method which takes ownership of the instance by using just self as the first parameter but it is rare. This technique is usually used when the method transforms self into something else and you want to prevent the caller from using the original instance after the transformation.

Look at the Understanding Ownership chapter for more details about these important notions.

Methods with Several Parameters

Let’s practice using methods by implementing another method on the Rectangle struct. This time we want to write the method can_hold which accepts another instance of Rectangle and returns true if this rectangle can fit completely within self; otherwise, it should return false.

impl RectangleImpl of RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        *self.width * *self.height

    fn scale(ref self: Rectangle, factor: u64) {
        self.width *= factor;
        self.height *= factor;

    fn can_hold(self: @Rectangle, other: @Rectangle) -> bool {
        *self.width > *other.width && *self.height > *other.height

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50, };
    let rect2 = Rectangle { width: 10, height: 40, };
    let rect3 = Rectangle { width: 60, height: 45, };

    println!("Can rect1 hold rect2? {}", rect1.can_hold(@rect2));
    println!("Can rect1 hold rect3? {}", rect1.can_hold(@rect3));

Here, we expect that rect1 can hold rect2 but not rect3.

Associated functions

We call associated functions all functions that are defined inside an impl block that are associated to a specific type. While this is not enforced by the compiler, it is a good practice to keep associated functions related to the same type in the same impl block - for example, all functions related to Rectangle will be grouped in the same impl block for RectangleTrait.

Methods are a special kind of associated function, but we can also define associated functions that don’t have self as their first parameter (and thus are not methods) because they don’t need an instance of the type to work with, but are still associated with that type.

Associated functions that aren’t methods are often used for constructors that will return a new instance of the type. These are often called new, but new isn’t a special name and isn’t built into the language. For example, we could choose to provide an associated function named square that would have one dimension parameter and use that as both width and height, thus making it easier to create a square Rectangle rather than having to specify the same value twice:

Let's create the function new which creates a Rectangle from a width and a height, square which creates a square Rectangle from a size and avg which computes the average of two Rectangle instances:

impl RectangleImpl of RectangleTrait {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        (*self.width) * (*self.height)

    fn new(width: u64, height: u64) -> Rectangle {
        Rectangle { width, height }

    fn square(size: u64) -> Rectangle {
        Rectangle { width: size, height: size }

    fn avg(lhs: @Rectangle, rhs: @Rectangle) -> Rectangle {
        Rectangle {
            width: ((*lhs.width) + (*rhs.width)) / 2, height: ((*lhs.height) + (*rhs.height)) / 2

fn main() {
    let rect1 = RectangleTrait::new(30, 50);
    let rect2 = RectangleTrait::square(10);

        "The average Rectangle of {:?} and {:?} is {:?}",
        RectangleTrait::avg(@rect1, @rect2)

To call the square associated function, we use the :: syntax with the struct name; let sq = Rectangle::square(3); is an example. This function is namespaced by the struct: the :: syntax is used for both associated functions and namespaces created by modules. We’ll discuss modules in Chapter 7.

Note that the avg function could also be written as a method with self as the first rectangle. In this case, instead of using the method with RectangleTrait::avg(@rect1, @rect2), it would be called with rect1.avg(rect2).

Multiple Traits and impl Blocks

Each struct is allowed to have multiple trait and impl blocks. For example, the following code is equivalent to the code shown in the Methods with several parameters section, which has each method in its own trait and impl blocks.

impl RectangleCalcImpl of RectangleCalc {
    fn area(self: @Rectangle) -> u64 {
        (*self.width) * (*self.height)

impl RectangleCmpImpl of RectangleCmp {
    fn can_hold(self: @Rectangle, other: @Rectangle) -> bool {
        *self.width > *other.width && *self.height > *other.height

There’s no strong reason to separate these methods into multiple trait and impl blocks here, but this is valid syntax.