Starknet的 Vote
合约首先要通过合约的构造函数注册投票人。在此阶段,三个投票人被初始化,他们的地址被传递给内部函数 _register_voters
在合约中,常量 YES
和 NO
被定义为表决选项(分别为 1 和 0)。这些常量使输入值标准化,从而方便了投票过程。
注册完成后,投票者可使用 vote
函数进行投票,选择 1(YES)或 0(NO)作为其投票。投票时,合约状态会被更新,记录投票情况并标记投票人已投票。这样可以确保投票者无法在同一提案中再次投票。投票会触发 VoteCast
该合约还会监控未经授权的投票尝试。如果检测到未经授权的行为,如非注册用户试图投票或用户试图再次投票,就会发出 UnauthorizedAttempt
这些功能、状态、常量和事件共同创建了一个结构化投票系统,在Starknet环境中管理着从注册到投票、事件记录、以及结果检索的投票生命周期。常量(如 YES
和 NO
Listing 16-7 shows the Vote
contract in detail:
/// @dev Core Library Imports for the Traits outside the Starknet Contract
use core::starknet::ContractAddress;
/// @dev Trait defining the functions that can be implemented or called by the Starknet Contract
trait VoteTrait<T> {
/// @dev Function that returns the current vote status
fn get_vote_status(self: @T) -> (u8, u8, u8, u8);
/// @dev Function that checks if the user at the specified address is allowed to vote
fn voter_can_vote(self: @T, user_address: ContractAddress) -> bool;
/// @dev Function that checks if the specified address is registered as a voter
fn is_voter_registered(self: @T, address: ContractAddress) -> bool;
/// @dev Function that allows a user to vote
fn vote(ref self: T, vote: u8);
/// @dev Starknet Contract allowing three registered voters to vote on a proposal
mod Vote {
use core::starknet::ContractAddress;
use core::starknet::get_caller_address;
use core::starknet::storage::{
StoragePointerReadAccess, StoragePointerWriteAccess, StorageMapReadAccess,
StorageMapWriteAccess, Map,
const YES: u8 = 1_u8;
const NO: u8 = 0_u8;
/// @dev Structure that stores vote counts and voter states
struct Storage {
yes_votes: u8,
no_votes: u8,
can_vote: Map::<ContractAddress, bool>,
registered_voter: Map::<ContractAddress, bool>,
/// @dev Contract constructor initializing the contract with a list of registered voters and 0
/// vote count
fn constructor(
ref self: ContractState,
voter_1: ContractAddress,
voter_2: ContractAddress,
voter_3: ContractAddress,
) {
// Register all voters by calling the _register_voters function
self._register_voters(voter_1, voter_2, voter_3);
// Initialize the vote count to 0
/// @dev Event that gets emitted when a vote is cast
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
enum Event {
VoteCast: VoteCast,
UnauthorizedAttempt: UnauthorizedAttempt,
/// @dev Represents a vote that was cast
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct VoteCast {
voter: ContractAddress,
vote: u8,
/// @dev Represents an unauthorized attempt to vote
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct UnauthorizedAttempt {
unauthorized_address: ContractAddress,
/// @dev Implementation of VoteTrait for ContractState
impl VoteImpl of super::VoteTrait<ContractState> {
/// @dev Returns the voting results
fn get_vote_status(self: @ContractState) -> (u8, u8, u8, u8) {
let (n_yes, n_no) = self._get_voting_result();
let (yes_percentage, no_percentage) = self._get_voting_result_in_percentage();
(n_yes, n_no, yes_percentage, no_percentage)
/// @dev Check whether a voter is allowed to vote
fn voter_can_vote(self: @ContractState, user_address: ContractAddress) -> bool {
/// @dev Check whether an address is registered as a voter
fn is_voter_registered(self: @ContractState, address: ContractAddress) -> bool {
/// @dev Submit a vote
fn vote(ref self: ContractState, vote: u8) {
assert!(vote == NO || vote == YES, "VOTE_0_OR_1");
let caller: ContractAddress = get_caller_address();
self.can_vote.write(caller, false);
if (vote == NO) {
self.no_votes.write(self.no_votes.read() + 1_u8);
if (vote == YES) {
self.yes_votes.write(self.yes_votes.read() + 1_u8);
self.emit(VoteCast { voter: caller, vote: vote });
/// @dev Internal Functions implementation for the Vote contract
impl InternalFunctions of InternalFunctionsTrait {
/// @dev Registers the voters and initializes their voting status to true (can vote)
fn _register_voters(
ref self: ContractState,
voter_1: ContractAddress,
voter_2: ContractAddress,
voter_3: ContractAddress,
) {
self.registered_voter.write(voter_1, true);
self.can_vote.write(voter_1, true);
self.registered_voter.write(voter_2, true);
self.can_vote.write(voter_2, true);
self.registered_voter.write(voter_3, true);
self.can_vote.write(voter_3, true);
/// @dev Asserts implementation for the Vote contract
impl AssertsImpl of AssertsTrait {
// @dev Internal function that checks if an address is allowed to vote
fn _assert_allowed(ref self: ContractState, address: ContractAddress) {
let is_voter: bool = self.registered_voter.read((address));
let can_vote: bool = self.can_vote.read((address));
if (!can_vote) {
self.emit(UnauthorizedAttempt { unauthorized_address: address });
assert!(is_voter, "USER_NOT_REGISTERED");
assert!(can_vote, "USER_ALREADY_VOTED");
/// @dev Implement the VotingResultTrait for the Vote contract
impl VoteResultFunctionsImpl of VoteResultFunctionsTrait {
// @dev Internal function to get the voting results (yes and no vote counts)
fn _get_voting_result(self: @ContractState) -> (u8, u8) {
let n_yes: u8 = self.yes_votes.read();
let n_no: u8 = self.no_votes.read();
(n_yes, n_no)
// @dev Internal function to calculate the voting results in percentage
fn _get_voting_result_in_percentage(self: @ContractState) -> (u8, u8) {
let n_yes: u8 = self.yes_votes.read();
let n_no: u8 = self.no_votes.read();
let total_votes: u8 = n_yes + n_no;
if (total_votes == 0_u8) {
return (0, 0);
let yes_percentage: u8 = (n_yes * 100_u8) / (total_votes);
let no_percentage: u8 = (n_no * 100_u8) / (total_votes);
(yes_percentage, no_percentage)
Deploying, Calling and Invoking the Voting Contract
Starknet 体验的一部分就是部署智能合约并与之交互。
- Calling contracts: Interacting with external functions that only read from the state. These functions do not alter the state of the network, so they don't require fees or signing.
- Invoking contracts: Interacting with external functions that can write to the state. These functions do alter the state of the network and require fees and signing.
We will setup a local development node using katana
to deploy the voting contract. Then, we'll interact with the contract by calling and invoking its functions. You can also use the Goerli Testnet instead of katana
. However, we recommend using katana
for local development and testing. You can find the complete tutorial for katana
in the "Katana: A Local Node" chapter of the Starknet Book.
The katana
Local Starknet Node
is designed to support local development by the Dojo team. It will allow you to do everything you need to do with Starknet, but locally. It is a great tool for development and testing.
To install katana
from the source code, please refer to the "Basic Installation" chapter of the Starknet Book.
Note: Please verify that the version of
match the specified version provided below.$ katana --version katana 0.6.0
To upgrade
version, refer to the "Basic Installation" chapter of the Starknet Book.
一旦安装了 katana
katana --accounts 3 --seed 0 --gas-price 250
该命令将启动一个本地 Starknet 节点,并部署 3 个账户。我们将使用这些账户部署投票合约并与之交互:
| Account address | 0x03ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0
| Private key | 0x0300001800000000300000180000000000030000000000003006001800006600
| Public key | 0x01b7b37a580d91bc3ad4f9933ed61f3a395e0e51c9dd5553323b8ca3942bb44e
| Account address | 0x033c627a3e5213790e246a917770ce23d7e562baa5b4d2917c23b1be6d91961c
| Private key | 0x0333803103001800039980190300d206608b0070db0012135bd1fb5f6282170b
| Public key | 0x04486e2308ef3513531042acb8ead377b887af16bd4cdd8149812dfef1ba924d
| Account address | 0x01d98d835e43b032254ffbef0f150c5606fa9c5c9310b1fae370ab956a7919f5
| Private key | 0x07ca856005bee0329def368d34a6711b2d95b09ef9740ebf2c7c7e3b16c1ca9c
| Public key | 0x07006c42b1cfc8bd45710646a0bb3534b182e83c313c7bc88ecf33b53ba4bcbc
Before we can interact with the voting contract, we need to prepare the voter and admin accounts on Starknet. Each voter account must be registered and sufficiently funded for voting. For a more detailed understanding of how accounts operate with Account Abstraction, refer to the "Account Abstraction" chapter of the Starknet Book.
Smart Wallets for Voting
Aside from Scarb you will need to have Starkli installed. Starkli is a command line tool that allows you to interact with Starknet. You can find the installation instructions in the ["Basic Installation"][starkli installation] chapter of the Starknet Book.
Note: Please verify that the version of
match the specified version provided below.$ starkli --version 0.2.9 (0535f44)
To upgrade
, use thestarkliup -v 0.2.9
command, or simplystarkliup
which installed the latest stable version.
For each smart wallet we'll use, we must create a Signer within the encrypted keystore and an Account Descriptor. This process is also detailed in the ["Testnet Deployment"][signer creation] chapter of the Starknet Book.
starkli signer keystore from-key ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
starkli account fetch <KATANA ACCOUNT ADDRESS> --rpc --output ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json
这个命令将创建一个新的 account0_account.json
"version": 1,
"variant": {
"type": "open_zeppelin",
"version": 1,
"public_key": "<SMART_WALLET_PUBLIC_KEY>"
"deployment": {
"status": "deployed",
"class_hash": "<SMART_WALLET_CLASS_HASH>",
你可以用以下命令获取智能钱包的 class hash(所有智能钱包的class hash都一样)。注意使用了 --rpc
标志和 katana
提供的 RPC 端点:
starkli class-hash-at <SMART_WALLET_ADDRESS> --rpc
要获取公钥,可以使用 starkli signer keystore inspect
命令,并输入 keystore json 文件的目录:
starkli signer keystore inspect ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
如果您想拥有第二个和第三个投票人,用同样的过程对 account_1
和 account_2
[starkli installation]: https://book.starknet.io/ch02-01-basic-installation.html#starkli-installation) [signer creation]: https://book.starknet.io/ch02-05-testnet-deployment.html?highlight=signer#creating-a-signer
Contract Deployment
在部署之前,我们需要声明合约。我们可以使用 starkli declare
starkli declare target/dev/starknetbook_chapter_2_Vote.sierra.json --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
如果你使用的编译器版本旧于Starkli使用的版本,并且在使用上述命令时遇到了 compiler-version
错误,你可以通过在命令中添加 --compiler-version x.y.z
如果你仍然遇到编译器版本的问题,请尝试使用以下命令来升级 Starkli:starkliup
,以确保你正在使用 starkli 的最新版本。
The class hash of the contract is: 0x06974677a079b7edfadcd70aa4d12aac0263a4cda379009fca125e0ab1a9ba52
. You can declare this contract on Sepolia testnet and see that the class hash will correspond.
标志指定要使用的 RPC 端点(由 katana
标志指定用于签署交易的账户。这里使用的账户是上一步创建的账户。 --keystore
由于我们使用的是本地节点,因此交易将立即完成。如果您使用的是 Goerli Testnet,则需要等待交易最终完成,这通常需要几秒钟。
以下命令将部署投票合约,并将 voter_0、voter_1 和 voter_2 注册为合格投票人。这些是构造函数参数,因此请添加一个以后可以用来投票的选民账户。
starkli deploy <class_hash_of_the_contract_to_be_deployed> <voter_0_address> <voter_1_address> <voter_2_address> --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
starkli deploy 0x06974677a079b7edfadcd70aa4d12aac0263a4cda379009fca125e0ab1a9ba52 0x03ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0 0x033c627a3e5213790e246a917770ce23d7e562baa5b4d2917c23b1be6d91961c 0x01d98d835e43b032254ffbef0f150c5606fa9c5c9310b1fae370ab956a7919f5 --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
Voter Eligibility Verification
在我们的投票合约中,我们有两个函数来验证投票人的资格,即 voter_can_vote
和 is_voter_registered
你可以使用 starkli call
命令用于只读函数,而 invoke
命令用于也可以写入存储空间的函数。调用 call
命令不需要签名,而 invoke
starkli call 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 voter_can_vote 0x03ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0 --rpc
首先,我们添加了合约的地址,然后是要调用的函数,最后是函数的输入。在本例中,我们要检查地址为 0x03ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0
由于我们提供了已登记的投票人的地址作为输入,因此结果为 1(布尔值为 true),表明该选民有资格投票。
接下来,让我们使用一个未注册的账户地址调用 is_voter_registered
starkli call 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 is_voter_registered 0x44444444444444444 --rpc
对于未注册的账户地址,终端输出为 0(即假),确认该账户没有投票资格。
Casting a Vote
函数交互,该函数被标记为外部函数,因此必须使用 starknet invoke
命令的语法与 call
命令类似,但在投票时,我们需要输入 "1"(表示 "是")或 "0"(表示 "否")。当我们唤起 vote
//Voting Yes
starkli invoke 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 vote 1 --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
//Voting No
starkli invoke 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 vote 0 --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account0_keystore.json
系统将提示您输入签名者的密码。输入密码后,交易将被签署并提交到Starknet网络。你将收到交易哈希值作为输出。使用 starkli 交易命令,你可以获得更多关于交易的详细信息:
starkli transaction <TRANSACTION_HASH> --rpc
"transaction_hash": "0x5604a97922b6811060e70ed0b40959ea9e20c726220b526ec690de8923907fd",
"max_fee": "0x430e81",
"version": "0x1",
"signature": [
"nonce": "0x3",
"type": "INVOKE",
"sender_address": "0x3ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0",
"calldata": [
Error: code=ContractError, message="Contract error"
错误信息很简略,但你可以启动 katana
Transaction execution error: "Error in the called contract (0x03ee9e18edc71a6df30ac3aca2e0b02a198fbce19b7480a63a0d71cbd76652e0):
Error at pc=0:81:
Got an exception while executing a hint: Custom Hint Error: Execution failed. Failure reason: \"USER_ALREADY_VOTED\".
assert!(can_vote, "USER_ALREADY_VOTED");
我们可以重复上述过程,为要将用于投票的账户创建签名者和账户描述符。请记住,每个签名者都必须用私钥创建,每个账户描述符都必须用公钥、智能钱包地址和智能钱包class hash (每个投票者的class hash 都一样)创建。
starkli invoke 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 vote 0 --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json
starkli invoke 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 vote 1 --rpc --account ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account2_account.json --keystore ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account2_keystore.json
Visualizing Vote Outcomes
为了检查投票结果,我们通过 starknet call
命令调用另一个视图函数 get_vote_status
starkli call 0x05ea3a690be71c7fcd83945517f82e8861a97d42fca8ec9a2c46831d11f33349 get_vote_status --rpc
输出结果显示了 "Yes"和 "No" 票数及其相对百分比。