Smart Pointers

A pointer is a general concept for a variable that contains a memory address. This address refers to, or “points at,” some other data. While pointers are a powerful feature, they can also be a source of bugs and security vulnerabilities. For example, a pointer can reference an unassigned memory cell, which means that attempting to access the data at that address would cause the program to crash, making it unprovable. To prevent such issues, Cairo uses Smart Pointers.

Smart pointers are data structures that act like a pointer, but also have additional metadata and capabilities. The concept of smart pointers isn’t unique to Cairo: smart pointers originated in C++ and exist in other languages like Rust as well. In the specific case of Cairo, smart pointers ensure that memory is not addressed in an unsafe way that could cause a program to be unprovable, by providing a safe way to access memory through strict type checking and ownership rules.

Though we didn’t call them as such at the time, we’ve already encountered a few smart pointers in this book, including Felt252Dict<T> and Array<T> in Chapter 3. Both these types count as smart pointers because they own a memory segment and allow you to manipulate it. They also have metadata and extra capabilities or guarantees. Arrays keep track of their current length to ensure that existing elements are not overwritten, and that new elements are only appended to the end.

The Cairo VM memory is composed by multiple segments that can store data, each identified by a unique index. When you create an array, you allocate a new segment in the memory to store the future elements. The array itself is just a pointer to that segment where the elements are stored.

The Box<T> Type to Manipulate Pointers

The principal smart pointer type in Cairo is a box, denoted as Box<T>. Manually defining boxes allow you to store data in a specific memory segment of the Cairo VM called the boxed segment. This segment is dedicated to store all boxed values, and what remains in the execution segment is only a pointer to the boxed segment. Whenever you instantiate a new pointer variable of type Box<T>, you append the data of type T to the boxed segment.

Boxes have very little performance overhead, other than writing their inner values to the boxed segment. But they don’t have many extra capabilities either. You’ll use them most often in these situations:

  • When you have a type whose size can’t be known at compile time and you want to use a value of that type in a context that requires an exact size
  • When you have a large amount of data and you want to transfer ownership but ensure the data won’t be copied when you do so

We’ll demonstrate the first situation in the “Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes” section. In the second case, transferring ownership of a large amount of data can take a long time because the data is copied around in memory. To improve performance in this situation, we can store the large amount of data in the boxed segment using a box type. Then, only the small amount of pointer data is copied around in memory, while the data it references stays in one place on the boxed segment.

Using a Box<T> to Store Data in the Boxed Segment

Before we discuss the boxed segment storage use cases for Box<T>, we’ll cover the syntax and how to interact with values stored within a Box<T>.

Listing 11-1 shows how to use a box to store a value in the boxed segment:

fn main() {
    let b = BoxTrait::new(5_u128);
    println!("b = {}", b.unbox())

Listing 11-1: Storing a u128 value in the boxed segment using a box

We define the variable b to have the value of a Box that points to the value 5, which is stored in the boxed segment. This program will print b = 5; in this case, we can access the data in the box similar to how we would if this data was simply in the execution memory. Putting a single value in a box isn’t very useful, so you won’t use boxes by themselves in this way very often. Having values like a single u128 in the execution memory, where they’re stored by default, is more appropriate in the majority of situations. Let’s look at a case where boxes allow us to define types that we wouldn’t be allowed to if we didn’t have boxes.

Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes

A value of recursive type can have another value of the same type as part of itself. Recursive types pose an issue because at compile time because Cairo needs to know how much space a type takes up. However, the nesting of values of recursive types could theoretically continue infinitely, so Cairo can’t know how much space the value needs. Because boxes have a known size, we can enable recursive types by inserting a box in the recursive type definition.

As an example of a recursive type, let’s explore the implementation of a binary tree. The binary tree type we’ll define is straightforward except for the recursion; therefore, the concepts in the example we’ll work with will be useful any time you get into more complex situations involving recursive types.

A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child. The last element of a branch is a leaf, which is a node without children.

Listing 11-2 shows an attempt to implement a binary tree of u32 values. Note that this code won’t compile yet because the BinaryTree type doesn’t have a known size, which we’ll demonstrate.

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
enum BinaryTree {
    Leaf: u32,
    Node: (u32, BinaryTree, BinaryTree),

fn main() {
    let leaf1 = BinaryTree::Leaf(1);
    let leaf2 = BinaryTree::Leaf(2);
    let leaf3 = BinaryTree::Leaf(3);
    let node = BinaryTree::Node((4, leaf2, leaf3));
    let _root = BinaryTree::Node((5, leaf1, node));

Listing 11-2: The first attempt at implementing a binary tree of u32 values

Note: We’re implementing a binary tree that holds only u32 values for the purposes of this example. We could have implemented it using generics, as we discussed in Chapter 8, to define a binary tree that could store values of any type.

The root node contains 5 and two child nodes. The left child is a leaf containing 1. The right child is another node containing 4, which in turn has two leaf children: one containing 2 and another containing 3. This structure forms a simple binary tree with a depth of 2.

If we try to compile the code in listing 11-2, we get the following error:

$ scarb build 
   Compiling listing_recursive_types_wrong v0.1.0 (listings/ch11-advanced-features/listing_recursive_types_wrong/Scarb.toml)
error: Recursive type "(core::integer::u32, listing_recursive_types_wrong::BinaryTree, listing_recursive_types_wrong::BinaryTree)" has infinite size.
 --> listings/ch11-advanced-features/listing_recursive_types_wrong/src/lib.cairo:4:5
    Node: (u32, BinaryTree, BinaryTree),

error: Recursive type "listing_recursive_types_wrong::BinaryTree" has infinite size.
 --> listings/ch11-advanced-features/listing_recursive_types_wrong/src/lib.cairo:8:17
    let leaf1 = BinaryTree::Leaf(1);

error: Recursive type "(core::integer::u32, listing_recursive_types_wrong::BinaryTree, listing_recursive_types_wrong::BinaryTree)" has infinite size.
 --> listings/ch11-advanced-features/listing_recursive_types_wrong/src/lib.cairo:11:33
    let node = BinaryTree::Node((4, leaf2, leaf3));

error: could not compile `listing_recursive_types_wrong` due to previous error

The error shows this type “has infinite size.” The reason is that we’ve defined BinaryTree with a variant that is recursive: it holds another value of itself directly. As a result, Cairo can’t figure out how much space it needs to store a BinaryTree value.

Hopefully, we can fix this error by using a Box<T> to store the recursive variant of BinaryTree. Because a Box<T> is a pointer, Cairo always knows how much space a Box<T> needs: a pointer’s size doesn’t change based on the amount of data it’s pointing to. This means we can put a Box<T> inside the Node variant instead of another BinaryTree value directly. The Box<T> will point to the child BinaryTree values that will be stored in their own segment, rather than inside the Node variant. Conceptually, we still have a binary tree, created with binary trees holding other binary trees, but this implementation is now more like placing the items next to one another rather than inside one another.

We can change the definition of the BinaryTree enum in Listing 11-2 and the usage of the BinaryTree in Listing 11-2 to the code in Listing 11-3, which will compile:

use core::box::{BoxTrait};

mod display;
use display::DebugBinaryTree;

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
enum BinaryTree {
    Leaf: u32,
    Node: (u32, Box<BinaryTree>, Box<BinaryTree>),

fn main() {
    let leaf1 = BinaryTree::Leaf(1);
    let leaf2 = BinaryTree::Leaf(2);
    let leaf3 = BinaryTree::Leaf(3);
    let node = BinaryTree::Node((4, BoxTrait::new(leaf2), BoxTrait::new(leaf3)));
    let root = BinaryTree::Node((5, BoxTrait::new(leaf1), BoxTrait::new(node)));

    println!("{:?}", root);

Listing 11-3: Defining a recursive Binary Tree using Boxes

The Node variant now holds a (u32, Box<BinaryTree>, Box<BinaryTree>), indicating that the Node variant will store a u32 value, and two Box<BinaryTree> values. Now, we know that the Node variant will need a size of u32 plus the size of the two Box<BinaryTree> values. By using a box, we’ve broken the infinite, recursive chain, so the compiler can figure out the size it needs to store a BinaryTree value.

Using Boxes to Improve Performance

Passing pointers between functions allows you to reference data without copying the data itself. Using boxes can improve performance as it allows you to pass a pointer to some data from one function to another, without the need to copy the entire data in memory before performing the function call. Instead of having to write n values into memory before calling a function, only a single value is written, corresponding to the pointer to the data. If the data stored in the box is very large, the performance improvement can be significant, as you would save n-1 memory operations before each function call.

Let's take a look at the code in Listing 11-4, which shows two ways of passing data to a function: by value and by pointer.

struct Cart {
    paid: bool,
    items: u256,
    buyer: ByteArray

fn pass_data(cart: Cart) {
    println!("{} is shopping today and bought {} items", cart.buyer, cart.items);

fn pass_pointer(cart: Box<Cart>) {
    let cart = cart.unbox();
    println!("{} is shopping today and bought {} items", cart.buyer, cart.items);

fn main() {
    let new_struct = Cart { paid: true, items: 1, buyer: "Eli" };

    let new_box = BoxTrait::new(Cart { paid: false, items: 2, buyer: "Uri" });

Listing 11-4: Storing large amounts of data in a box for performance.

The main function includes 2 function calls:

  • pass_data that takes a variable of type Cart.
  • pass_pointer that takes a pointer of type Box<Cart>.

When passing data to a function, the entire data is copied into the last available memory cells right before the function call. Calling pass_data will copy all 3 fields of Cart to memory, while pass_pointer only requires the copy of the new_box pointer which is of size 1.

box memory
CairoVM Memory layout when using boxes

The illustration above demonstrates how the memory behaves in both cases. The first instance of Cart is stored in the execution segment, and we need to copy all its fields to memory before calling the pass_data function. The second instance of Cart is stored in the boxed segment, and the pointer to it is stored in the execution segment. When calling the pass_pointer function, only the pointer to the struct is copied to memory right before the function call. In both cases, however, instantiating the struct will store all its values in the execution segment: the boxed segment can only be filled with data taken from the execution segment.

The Nullable<T> Type for Dictionaries

Nullable<T> is another type of smart pointer that can either point to a value or be null in the absence of value. It is defined at the Sierra level. This type is mainly used in dictionaries that contain types that don't implement the zero_default method of the Felt252DictValue<T> trait (i.e., arrays and structs).

If we try to access an element that does not exist in a dictionary, the code will fail if the zero_default method cannot be called.

Chapter 3 about dictionaries thoroughly explains how to store a Span<felt252> variable inside a dictionary using the Nullable<T> type. Please refer to it for further information.